Liverpool's Most Romantic Poet slam 2010!
I haven't blogged for far too long. Have been far too busy being a proper writer instead!:) The last 3 weeks have flown by in a flurry of writing, biting the bullet and submitting, and performing at my first ever poetry slam!
It's strange, the poems I am not sure about people seem to love and the ones I'm certain about don't always get the reponse I expect. When I first heard about Liverpool's Most Romantic Poet slam, organised by Dead Good Poets society-co-ordinated by the fabulous Sarah Maclennon-I felt a little frisson of excitement, never having been to a slam before yet having written plenty of material - unfortunately, recently, on broken hearts. Although I had plenty of poems to take along I wanted to create something especially for the slam, something that would sum up the state of my heart recently, I had a structure in my head and , weirdly, had the last line in my head before I started it.
I've never been the sort of person to aspire towards a traditional future of marriage, children, and walking off into the sunset. Although I'm a romantic, I find it far more moving when someone takes time to pick out a thoughtful present, or even making a Valentines card rather than the flashiest piece of bling or 12 red roses(so cliched). A friend from work hit the nail on the head in the pub, when she said 'if someone I was going out with bought me chocolates, I'd end it, because I hate chocolate.' If someone really knows you they would know that.
So, I wrote the poem, 'Bittersweet Valentine', edited edited edited - right up until the minute before I went on stage- and went with it. I was amazed at the resonse I got. I obviously wasn't the only person to wish for a book of their favourite poetry rather than a cuddly teddy bear. I also read two other poems, 'The Love Hospital' and 'Patchwork Heart.' Afterwards I tried to forget about the scoring and enjoy the other poets. One of the categories was 'romantic appearance' and, being a big fan of dressing up I'd kitted myself out in a strapless red dress with red beading, black footless tights, and sparkly pointy shoes. Not to mention the Lancombe 'Cherry Rock' red lipgloss.
Later, the prize winners were read out, top three and runners up, there were 16 poets, and I was amazed to get 5th place! Wasn't expecting anything but I guess most people can relate to broken hearts. An amazing night, hopefully the first slam of many.
Also submitted some poems for an online magazine which have been accepted so will post details of that nearer the time. So forward this page to your friends, become a fan of Purple Poetess(me) on facebook and follow my blog!
Poetry sparkles and fairy dust x
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